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Threats to Government Stability: An Astrological Examination of Pakistan's Current Crisis

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I recently learned that the former chief of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Lt Gen (retd.) Faiz Hameed, has been indicted on multiple charges, including involvement in political activities, violation of the Official Secrets Act, and abuse of authority and government resources. This unprecedented development was confirmed by the army on Tuesday, December 10th, 2024. In a separate development, the government and Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazal (JUI-F) are engaged in talks to finalize a framework for registering madrasas. However, JUI-F has expressed dissatisfaction with the government's approach on this issue.

To gain a deeper understanding of these events, I will analyze the Solar Ingress Chart for December 15, 2024, based on Islamabad's coordinates.

Horoscope of Solar Ingress Chart of 15th December , 2024 , Pakistan

In the Solar Ingress Chart, the Ascendant (Lagna) is Leo, and the Lord of the Lagna, the Sun, is well-placed in the 5th House. However, the Sun is under the influence of the 12th House Lord, the Moon, which could indicate potential losses, ambushes, or even the involvement of foreign spies—an undesirable alignment. Additionally, the Sun is in a Nakshatra exchange with Ketu: the Sun is in Mool Nakshatra (ruled by Ketu), and Ketu is positioned in Uttara PhalguniNakshatra (ruled by the Sun). This exchange further intensifies the connection between the Sun and Ketu, suggesting heightened risks and unpredictability, potentially due to secret plots involving spies and covert activities, including cyber operations and surveillance. In the Navamsa Chart, the retrograde 8th Lord, Mars, aspects the 10th House, further confirming that the government will face serious challenges to its stability. Additionally, Saturn, the 10th Lord in the D-9 chart, is placed in the 12th House, which signifies secret plots and espionage, and is in conjunction with Ketu, indicating conspiracies and covert activities. This alignment is further influenced by the 12th Lord, Jupiter, suggesting an escalation of hidden threats to the government’s stability.

The 4th Lord, Mars (representing the Opposition Party), although not well-placed, is in retrograde motion, making it powerful yet erratic and maverick in nature. However, the retrograde Jupiter aspect on 4th House ,supports secret discussions aimed at fostering mutual understanding with the government.

The 8th Lord, Jupiter, is positioned in the 10th House and is in mutual aspect with Mercury (retrograde), the 11th Lord (representing the national treasury), and the 2nd Lord (associated with national wealth). Saturn, as both the 6th and 7th Lord, also aspects Mercury, suggesting that the general well-being of the country will be significantly impacted by the IMF's pressure to manage the nation’s economic conditions. This alignment points to the possibility of new legislation to address these challenges, including potential laws to control the media.

Jupiter, being both the 8th and 5th Lord, also aspects the 10th Lord, Venus, strongly indicating the instability of Pakistan’s government.

The economic condition of the nation is certainly a major concern, and Pakistan may face significant differences of opinion with the IMF. The opposition party, represented by the 4th House and its Lord, Mars, although debilitated, is retrograde and aspects the 10th Lord, Venus, in the 6th House. Additionally, the 6th Lord, Saturn, aspects the 4th House, symbolizing the opposition party. This alignment indicates a dynamic of mutual pressure between the opposition and the government, with the army and legal actions intensifying the pressure on the opposition, while the opposition will reciprocate by challenging the government.

A tragic turn for the government is foreseen, as the 8th Lord, Jupiter, influences both the 10th House and the 10th Lord, Venus, suggesting instability and significant challenges at the governmental level. The judiciary, particularly the Supreme Court, is likely to exert considerable pressure on the government, as Mars, the 9th Lord (representing the judiciary), aspects Venus, the 10th Lord (representing the government). Additionally, Jupiter, which signifies the judiciary, is placed in the 10th House in the RashiChart, further amplifying the judicial influence.

In the Navamsa Chart, the 9th Lord, Jupiter, aspects both the 10th House and its Lord, Saturn, highlighting the potential for judicial intervention in the government’s stability.

The Sun, as the Lagna Lord (representing the general public and the nation as a whole), is positioned in the Nakshatra of Ketu, which is linked with groups such as Afghans, Chinese, and those who subjugate others. Ketu, in turn, is placed in the Nakshatra of the Sun, influencing those in positions of power, such as the Prime Minister or government leaders.

Saturn, the 6th Lord (symbolizing the army), is situated in the Nakshatra of Rahu. This combination indicates negative qualities such as deceit, ingratitude, and associations with thieves, spies, or evil-doers. Rahu, placed in the Nakshatra of Saturn, highlights themes related to agriculture, land, real estate, and the democratic system in its various forms, clearly suggesting the suppression of democratic forces in this monthly chart. Additionally, it points to potential scams in the real estate sector and adversity for farmers. Adverse conditions are foreseen in the northern part of the country due to high precipitation, including heavy rainfall and snowfall. Additionally, the unfavorable position of the stars suggests a likely increase in terror attacks targeting Chinese people.

Horoscope of Full Moon Chart of 15th December 2024, Pakistan

Since the Full Moon occurs on December 15th, 2024, let me analyze the Full Moon Chart to gain insights into the future of Pakistan for the next 15 days.

The Full Moon Chart reveals several key astrological aspects that suggest significant developments. Mars, the Lagna Lord, is positioned in the 4th house, debilitated and in retrograde motion, under the influence of Venus, the 2nd and 7th Lord. As the 8th Lord, Mars represents fall and humiliation, and it aspects both the 10th house (which signifies the government and the Prime Minister) and the 10th Lord, Saturn. This alignment, repeated in the Navamsa chart, with Saturn (the 8th Lord) in the 10th house alongside the Sun and Ketu, indicates that the government may face increasing challenges. Its stability is at risk, and a tragic incident involving the government is possible.

Mercury, the 3rd Lord, is in retrograde motion in the 8th house, suggesting miscommunication. Additionally, the 5th Lord, the Sun, is placed here, creating a combination that, under the influence of the 4th Lord, the Moon, and Jupiter (the 9th Lord, symbolizing the judiciary), as well as Saturn (the 10th Lord, representing the government), points to the likelihood of the government implementing strict regulations over media, television, and communications. This could result in a significant clash between the media and the government.

The judiciary, represented by Jupiter (the 9th Lord), is poised to exert more influence over the government, as it aspects the 10th house in both the Rashi and Navamsa charts. A political scandal involving a female figure is also foreseen. Moreover, a political plot may come to light, with the opposition party gaining public support and maintaining the moral high ground. This is likely to lead to significant clashes between the government and the opposition over the next 15 days.

Conclusion:By analyzing both the Solar Ingress Chart and the Full Moon Chart, it is clear that the current government is likely to face instability over the next month. There are strong indications of a tragic incident involving the government, as well as the potential introduction of new laws aimed at controlling the media. The judiciary's increasing influence over the government will further exacerbate these challenges. The opposition will continue to be maverick and unorthodox in its approach, exerting pressure on the government. Additionally, sectors such as the fishing industry, dealers of fish, wine, and birds, along with the wealthy and peaceful individuals, are expected to endure significant hardships between December 15th, 2024, and January 14th, 2025.

Written and Researched by Sunil Dutt


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